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Projet innovation 72

  • ECTS credits

    5 credits

Learning objectives

At the end of the course, participants will have an understanding of the strategic and operational activities of innovative project management:
More specifically, participants will be able to:
- Explore, Observe, Investigate to select strategic ideas that will meet a need/use.
- Develop a research strategy, use the appropriate tools to find reliable and relevant information on a specific topic.
- Conduct a literature review or state of the art on a specific topic
- Reuse information in accordance with academic and ethical requirements (know how to cite and avoid plagiarism, use free licenses)
- Participate in an ideation and structuring phase of ideas in order to define an innovative and realistic idea.
- Develop a project charter and associated project plan.
- Define activities, relationships and duration of activities to develop the project timeline.
- Manage project resources (financial, material and human), anticipate and correct project risks.
- Prototype the chosen idea and test it with a first sample of users.
- Monitor the project - progress, results and corrective actions.
- Conclude/terminate a project and ensure appropriate transfer.

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Description of the programme

This course includes 3 modules:

- MOOC: 4 weeks of distance learning in 4 parts: Fundamentals of project management and organisation, The essentials of starting a project, Advanced project management tools, Risk management + 2 specialisation modules of your choice

- Information research: Tools and methodology for information research, evaluation of sources, plagiarism, citation rules and writing a bibliography. 4 hours of online self-study and 2 hours of practical work.

- Project: The project starts in October and ends in June. During this project, students will learn to master the methods of exploration, ideation and creativity, the definition and framing of the project, the planning, the organisation of the project, the teamwork, the management of the project and its closure. To do this, many milestones will have to be passed and many deliverables will have to be produced and validated by the tutors.

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Generic central skills and knowledge targeted in the discipline

C1 Scientific and technical innovation: identification of unsatisfied needs, exploration and state of the art of the existing system, proposal of solutions to the problem
C2 Complexity and systems management: complexity arising from technical solutions, complexity arising from constraints brought by stakeholders, identification of problems and commitment to their resolution
C3 Programme management: technical aspects (needs analysis, design, planning and project monitoring) with organisational aspects
C4 People management: all aspects of team management
C5 Strategic vision: definition of a localised strategy and control of its operational implementation

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How knowledge is tested

Project: Interaction with your tutors (10%) , Mid-term presentation (10%) , Intermediate deliverables (10%) , Final deliverables (25%) , End of project report (20%) , Final presentation (25%)
Information research (1 MCQ + 1 Documentary file)
Mooc (4 MCQs + Final exam)

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Project Management Institute (2009) Guide du corpus des connaissances en management de projet, Project Management Institute, 4ième édition
• Brun, J-P. (2013) Management d’équipe : 7 leviers pour améliorer bien-être et efficacité au travail, Eyrolles, 2ième édition

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Teaching team

lorian Magnani
Audrey Soric
Françoise Perrin
Fabrice Pincin
Benoit Dubost
Steve Manny

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Sustainable Development Goal

  • Quality education

  • Descent work and economic growth

  • Building Resilient Infrastructure

  • Total hours of teaching96h
  • 96h