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Digital Society: Issues and Regulation

  • ECTS credits

    3 credits

  • Semester




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Learning objectives

* Understand the emergence of the Internet and the Web as a socio-historical construction.
* Understand the complexity of the issues raised by digital technologies in their ethical, social, political and legal dimensions,  at the national and international levels.
* Identify the actors and the conflicts of norms associated with digital technologies.
* Know how to collect and analyze information with logic and method
* Understand the environmental issues associated with digital technologies

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Description of the programme

This UE is deployed through a study project conducted through teamwork and chosen in consultation with the teaching team.
* Research and analysis of the problems and issues raised by the technology
* Identification of the actors (companies, institutions, associations, groups...)
* Immersion in the work of the identified actors to understand their points of view, their actions and their effects
* Reflection/conclusion on the ethical issues highlighted

General framing of the digital society, its genesis and its contemporary dynamics.
* Genesis of the Internet and the Web: mapping of actors, their values, and their ideals
* Study of the contemporary stakes of the Internet and the Web for democracy
* Illectronism and digital inequalities

* Regulation of digital actors: intellectual property, protection of privacy, regulation of contracts
* Legal regulation of issues related to digital content and flows

In addition, the teaching team provides keys to understanding the specific subjects dealt with by the student teams

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Generic central skills and knowledge targeted in the discipline

* Formulate an ethical question associated with digital technologies.
* Identify the actors, their interests, their positions.
* Evaluate the societal, economic and legal impacts of digital technologies.
* Propose scenarios of regulation and conciliation of interests
* Position oneself as an actor (designer, user, citizen) in relation to the technical potentialities and societal impacts of digital technologies.
* Understand the main principles and rules of intellectual property
* Know the main principles and rules of privacy protection and fundamental freedoms

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How knowledge is tested

100% continuous assessment: group work on a theme chosen in the ethics module
- submission of intermediate written work (reading notes, synthesis)
- oral defense

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Dominique Boullier, Sociologie du numérique, Armand Colin / collection U, 2016.

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Teaching team

  • Edlira Nano
  • Laetitia Piet
  • Denis Roynard
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Sustainable Development Goal

  • Reduced inequalities

  • Sustainable cities and communities

  • Responsible consumption and production

  • Total hours of teaching42h
  • Master class10h
  • Directed work9h
  • Practical work23h