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Mathematics - Computer Science - Economics

  • ECTS credits

    4 credits

  • Semester



  • Programs of the course units Mathematics 1A, Computer Science 1A and Economics-Business 1A from Ecole Centrale Méditerranée Engineering programme (see syllabus 1A)
  • Basics of the Python language
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Learning objectives

  • Apply a field of applied mathematics (Probability-Statistics, Finite Elements, Optimal Transport) to applications
  • Design a computer program by implementing the necessary steps with the adequate tools: modeling, algorithms, programming environment in Python
  • Understand advanced concepts in economics about markets or strategic behavior or process data related to an economics problem.
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Description of the programme

The major course unit Mathematics-Computer Science-Economics (MIE) is divided into 3 periods, each period is equal to 4 weeks (18h  et 6h d’autonomie). For each period, the student must choose one subcourse offered in one of the following fields: Mathematics, Computer Science or Economics. There is one constraint for the student's choices (except for international credit mobility students such as Erasmus+ students): at the end of the semester the student must have studied subcourses in at least two different fields among Mathematics, Computer Science and Economics.

Choice of a course among Mathematics, Computer Science or Economics at each period


 Period 1 (Temps 1)

 Period 2 (Temps 2)

Period 3 (Temps 3)


Probability & statistics

 Variational methods and finite elements

Introduction to the theory of optimal transport

Computer Science

 Algorithm design

 Data driven programming

Scientific Python


Innovation and market power: monopoly and

 Strategic behaviours: game theory

 Inequalities: data and public policies



  1. M1 : Probability and statistics
    1. Conditional probability and conditional expectation: definition, conditional probability distribution, properties, Bayes formula, martingales
    2. Inferential statistics:  parametric estimation (maximum likelihood, moment method, regular model and Fisher information, confidence interval, parametric tests (likelihood ratio test) and nonparametric tests (chi-square)
  2. M2 : Variational methods and finite elements
    1. Distributions : definition, convergence, derivative
    2. Hilbert space, Sobolev spaces, inequalities (Cauchy-Schwarz, Minkowski), Green formula, semi-norm
    3. Variational methods: Lax-Milgram theorem, Galerkin methode (definition, convergence and order).
    4. Finite elements: definition, approximation space, convergences for the local approximation and for the global approximation, convergence theorem for the Lagrange finite-element method
  3. M3 : Introduction to the theory of optimal transport
    1. Monge and Kantorovitc formulations,
    2. Kantorovitch duality, c-concave functions, applications in economics: matching equilibrium
    3. Wasserstein distance, generalized Wassertsein distance (unbalanced optimal transport)
    4. Computational methods: Sinkhorn algorithm, entropic regularization, Benamou-Brenier  formulation

Computer Science

  1. I1 : Algorithm design
    1. Algorithm divide & conquer
    2. Sequence alignment problem: sequence alignement problem, sequence alignement algorithm
    3. Dynamic programming and NP-completeness
    4. Greedy algorithms: principles and  implementation
    5. Enumeration problem: branch-and-bound strategy and backtracking strategy
  2. I2 : Data driven programming
    1. Event-driven programming and persistent objects. Python object. CRUD principle. MVC design template.
    2. Persistence managers: ORM, DAO. web servers. HTML/CSS. Django, pony ORM, Django ORM.
  3. I3 : Scientific Python
    1. Data manipulation and data analysis with Python: libraries Numpy and Scipy
    2. Graphs in Python: library Matplotlib
    3. Dataframe manipulation and representation: libraries Pandas and Seaborn
    4. Image processing: library Scikit-image


  1. E1 : Innovation and market power: monopoly and rents
    1. Market, market structures, competitive case
    2. Monopoly: simple monopoly, production of a sustainable good, price discrimination, product selection
    3. Strategic interactions: oligopoly, Cournot model, Bertrand model, industrial economic strategies
  2. E2 : Strategic behaviours: game theory
    1. Dominated strategy and Iterated elimination of strictly dominated strategies (IESDS)
    2. Nash equilibrium: definition, best answers, connection between IESDS-Nash
    3. Mixed strategy: definition, investigation of mixed equilibrium, Nash theorem, interpretation of mixed Nash equilibrium
    4. Games with continuous action space
    5. Sequential games
    6. Matching
  3. E3 : Economics : data and public policies
    1. inequalities in economics: definition, measure, inequality factors
    2. Public policies addressing inequalities
    3. Public policy evaluation: experimental and quasi-experimental evaluation methods
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Generic central skills and knowledge targeted in the discipline

  • M1: Model a statistical experiment for an i.i.d. sample and implement standard pointwise  and interval estimation methods and testing procedures
  • M2: Write and analyze a week formulation for a PDE. Implementation in Finite Element software.
  • M3: Formulate the optimal transport problem and calculate Wasserstein distances
  • I1: Understand the main categories of algorithms and how to implement them
  • I2: Implement event-driven programming in Python and understand the notion of persistence
  • I3: Program in Python with the Numpy, Scipy, Matplotlib, Pandas, Seaborn and Scikit-image libraries
  • E1: Identify the different types of markets, understand the notions of monopoly and oligopoly
  • E2: Classify strategies and understand Nash equilibrium
  • E3: Understand inequalities in economics and implement tools to evaluate public policies addressing them
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How knowledge is tested

Continuous assessment

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A bibliography will be proposed at the beginning of each subcourse offered in the major course unit Mathematics-Computer Science-Economics.

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Teaching team

  1. Mathematics
    1. M1 : Christophe Pouet, Mitra Fouladirad, Frédéric Schwander
    2. M2 : Guillaume Chiavassa
    3. M3 : Magali Tournus
  2. Computer Science
    1. I1 : François Brucker, Pascal Préa
    2. I2 : Emmanuel Daucé, Manon Philibert
    3. I3 : Muriel Roche, Manon Philibert
  3. Economics
    1. E1 : Nicolas Clootens, Santiago Lopez-Cantor
    2. E2 : Nicolas Fournier (Aix-Marseille Université), Hajare El Hadri, Santiago Lopez-Cantor, Ayoub Salih
    3. E3 : Hajare El Hadri
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Sustainable Development Goal

  • Climate action

  • Peace, justice and strong institutions

  • Reduced inequalities

  • Responsible consumption and production

  • Total hours of teaching72h
  • Master class54h
  • 18h