Automation of continuous linear systems
Learning objectives
In addition to the electronics and linear automation courses, this course deals with the study of systems and their digital control.
Students will be able to participate in the elaboration of specifications and the design of control systems aiming at controlling processes (mechanical, electronic, chemical, ..) by implementing an algorithm in a computer.
Description of the programme
Presentation of the methods of synthesis of numerical control laws ensuring the dynamic and static behavior of a system in accordance with the constraints described in a specification.
Polynomial methods: methodologies and implementation on a computer.
The 3 parts developed are the following:
- General concepts and mathematical tools
- Methods for studying stability and precision
- Methods for the synthesis of digital controllers.
The theoretical concepts will be illustrated in TL by the implementation and simulation of multi-physics systems and their associated control.
Generic central skills and knowledge targeted in the discipline
Contribution to the ;
- Mastering the complexity of systems.
- Development of technical and scientific innovations.
- Solving complex problems.
- Solving trans-disciplinary problems requiring the introduction of a process control
How knowledge is tested
-Continuous assessment
-Oral and report
Course documents
Analyse et Régulation des processus industriels tome 2 P Borne Commande numérique de systèmes Dynamiques Roland Longchamp
Teaching team
Alain Kilidjian
Guillaume Gaton
Sustainable Development Goal
Quality education
Gender equality
Affordable and clean energy
Responsible consumption and production
- Total hours of teaching30h
- Master class12h
- Directed work6h
- Practical work12h