ECTS credits
2 credits
Learning objectives
Going beyond the framework of linear elasticity under the assumption of small perturbations:
• Discover the main types of nonlinear behavior of materials
• Know the thermodynamic framework in which the general models must fit
• Master several behavior models
Description of the programme
• Demonstration on simple tensile tests
• Thermodynamics of irreversible processes as a framework for writing behavior models
• Three examples of elasto-(visco)-plasticity models
• An example of an elasticity-damage model
Generic central skills and knowledge targeted in the discipline
• Know how to identify the appropriate behavioral model for the problem at hand
• Model complex problems with advanced behavioral models
• Propose behavior models adapted to new materials
How knowledge is tested
DS: written evaluation, 2h (100%)
• J. Lemaître et J.-L. Chaboche, Mécanique des matériaux solides, 2004
• D. François, A. Pineau et A. Zaoui, Élasticité et plasticité, 2009
Teaching team
Thierry Désoyer
- Total hours of teaching24h
- Master class14h
- Directed work8h
- Practical work2h