ECTS credits
2 credits
Learning objectives
- Acquire the knowledge necessary to identify situations that could potentially generate fluid-structure couplings and be in a position to propose palliative solutions when possible
- To know the main modes of coupling
- Know how to model, analyze and dimension a problem where a simple fluid-structure coupling occurs
- Know how to interpret experiments involving fluid-structure couplings
Description of the programme
- Examples of fluid-structure couplings in the fields of civil engineering, aeronautics, space and energy
- Reminder of fluid mechanics and elastodynamics
- Dimensional analysis of fluid-structure couplings
- Classification of fluid-structure interaction problems
- Structure immersed in a fluid at rest - added mass
- Aeroelasticity (aeroelastic coefficients and applications in aeronautics and civil engineering)
- Ballooning of fluids in tanks (Tuned Liquid Damper, POGO effect)
- Deformable pipes (applications in biomechanics and hydraulics)
- Introduction to the numerical study of fluid-structure couplings
Generic central skills and knowledge targeted in the discipline
- Know how to model and analyze fluid-structure couplings (C2)
- Master the associated dimensioning methods (C2)
- Be able to calculate aerodynamic forces on structures (C2)
- Interpret experimental results (C2)
How knowledge is tested
Practical work: restitution of reports, 50%.
Project: report restitution, 50%.
E.H. Dowell, A modern course in aeroelasticity, Kluwer acad. publisher, 2004
- Carmona, et J.-C. Foucriat, Comportement au vent des ponts, Presses des ponts et chaussées, 2002.
- de Langre, Fluides et solides, Éditions de l’eĢcole polytechnique, 2001.
- Païdoussis, Fluid-structure interactions, T1&2, Elsevier, 2004.
Teaching team
Olivier Boiron (ECM)
Kevin LE PRIN, Project and R&D engineer, SEAL Engineering
Sylvain TRUCHE, Project and R&D engineer, SEAL Engineering
Sustainable Development Goal
Building Resilient Infrastructure
Sustainable cities and communities
- Total hours of teaching24h
- Master class12h
- Practical work12h